关于召开“Network Stack in the Cloud”学术报告的通知

2021年11月12日  点击:[]

报告题目:Network Stack in the Cloud


报告时间:2021年11月18日 上午10:00

报告形式:腾讯会议,ID:522 132 075


As cloud computing becomes ubiquitous, the network stack in this virtualized environment is becoming a focal point of research with unique challenges and opportunities. In this talk, I will introduce our efforts in this space. First, from an architectural perspective, the network stack remains a part of the guest OS inside a VM in the cloud. I will argue that this legacy architecture is becoming a barrier to innovation/evolution. The tight coupling between the networkstackand the guest OS causes many deployment troubles to tenants and management and efficiency problems to the cloud provider. I will present our vision of providing the network stack as a service as a way to address these issues. The idea is to decouple the network stack from the guest OS, and offer it as an independent entity implemented by the cloud provider. I will discuss the design and evaluation of a concrete framework called NetKernel to enable this vision. Then in the second part, I will focus on container communication, which is a common scenario in the cloud. I will present a new system called PipeDevice that adopts a hardware-software co-design approach to enable low-overhead intra-host container communication using commodity FPGA.



Hong Xu is an Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research area is computer networking and systems, particularly big data systems and data center networks. From 2013 to 2020 he was with City University of Hong Kong. He received his B.Eng. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007, and his M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. from University of Toronto in 2009 and 2013, respectively. He was the recipient of an Early Career Scheme Grant from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council in 2014. He received three best paper awards, including the IEEE ICNP 2015 best paper award. He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM.


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