An Introduction to Delaunay-based Mesh Generation and Adaptation

2017-07-27  点击:[]







TitleAn Introduction to Delaunay-based Mesh Generation and Adaptation


Abstract: Mesh generation and adaptation are key steps in many applications such as numerical methods like finite element and finite volume methods. It is itself a research topic with background in mathematics, computer science, and engineering. 

Delaunay triangulation has many nice properties and is popularly used in many mesh generation methods. In this talk, we will begin with triangle mesh generation in the plane. This problem has been very well studied. Efficient algorithms are developed.  We will then move to tetrahedral mesh generation in 3d, which is still challenged by many theoretical and practical issues. In this talk, we will highlight some recent development in this field.



Dr. Hang Si is a senior researcher in Weierstrass Institute (WIAS) in Berlin. His main research interest is mesh generation and the discrete and computational geometry problems behind it. The goal is to develop efficient algorithms for automatically generating meshes suitable for numerical methods such as finite element and finite volume methods. He is the developer of the software, TetGen -- a Delaunay-based tetrahedral mesh generator. It is freely available for academic use at.

Hang Si received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Hangzhou University (now merged in Zhejiang University) in 1994, and his M.S. in Computer Science from Zhejiang University in 2002. He joined the research group Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing of WIAS in 2002. He received his Ph.D from the Institute of Mathematics of Technische Universitaet Berlin in 2008.

For more recent work of Dr. Hang Si, please visit his website at: