
2017-05-08  点击:[]




报告题目 Connecting Isolated Social Multimedia Big Data


The explosion of social media has led to various Online Social Networking (OSN) services. Today's typical netizens are using a multitude of OSN services. Exploring the user-contributed cross-OSN heterogeneous data is critical to connect between the separated data islands and facilitate value mining from big social multimedia.  From the perspective of data fusion, understanding the association among cross-OSN data is fundamental to advanced social media analysis and applications.  From the perspective of user modeling, exploiting the available user data on different OSNs contributes to an integrated online user profile and thus improved customized social media services. This talk will introduce a user-centric research paradigm for cross-OSN mining and applications and some pilot works along two basic tasks: (1) From users: cross-OSN association mining and (2) For users: cross-OSN user modeling.


徐常胜, 中国科学院自动化研究所特聘研究员,博士生导师,合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院院长,国家杰出青年基金获得者。国际电子电气工程师学会会士(IEEE Fellow),国际模式识别学会会士(IAPR Fellow)和国际计算机学会杰出科学家。担任ACM多媒体专委会中国区(ACM SIGMM China Chapter)主席和中国计算机学会多媒体专委会副主任。担任过国际顶级期刊IEEE TMMACM TOMCAP副主编,国际顶级多媒体会议ACM Multimedia 2009)程序委员会主席和2010年全国多媒体会议程序委员会主席。在多媒体分析,计算机视觉,模式识别,图像处理等领域发表论文300多篇,其中IEEEACM汇刊论文70篇,获得发明专利30项。获得2016ACM MultimediaACM TOMM最佳论文奖。国家自然科学基金委信息学部专家评审组成员和科技部973项目会评专家。