
2016-12-20  点击:[]


题目:Investigating the Point-based Surrogate Model for Solving the Spatial Facility Location Problem



报告简介:The spatial facility location problem (SFLP) considers covering continuous demand of a region with facilities that can be placed anywhere. One of the approaches to solving the SFLP is to first aggregate spatial demand into discrete points and then solve the point-based model for the conventional facility location problem (FLP) as a surrogate model to the original SFLP. The solution quality of the surrogate model, however, is measured by the percentage of the continuous space actually covered in the original SFLP. We explore the behavior of this solution approach and examine the factors contributing to the quality of the solution to the SFLP. Three sources of errors are examined: 1) the spacing of the point representation, 2) the existence of multiple solutions to the surrogate point-based model, and 3) the round-off error induced by the computer representation of numbers. A surrogate error measure is proposed to characterize the relationship between the spacing, the coverage area of a facility, and the error of the spatial coverage using the point-based surrogate model. The point-based surrogate model is enhanced to extract from the multiple solution set the solutions that reduce the coverage error.  The effect of the round-off error on the quality of the solution to the SFLP is also discussed.

报告人简介:林伟华是美国亚利桑那大学系统与工业工程系副教授,他分别在1985年、1989年、1995年于美国三所不同的名校获得了计算机科学专业学士学位、数学专业硕士学位、和土木工程专业博士学位,并在加州伯克利进行了为期两年的博士后研究工作,之后任教至今。他在物流系统优化领域中的诸多顶级期刊都有第一作者的论文发表,如Transportation Science、Transportation Research Parts E、以及IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems等;他目前共发表论文84篇,总引用达1352次,h因子为17(Google Scholar)。