
2016-10-09  点击:[]


报告时间  : 10月12日  13:30 — 14:30
报告地点  : 综合楼5楼第一会议室
报告题目  : See-through Imaging of Laser-scanned 3D Cultural Heritage Objects based on Stochastic Rendering of Large-scale Point Clouds
报告人   : 田中觉   日本立命馆大学情报理工学部 教授


Title: See-through Imaging of Laser-scanned 3D Cultural Heritage Objects based on Stochastic Rendering of Large-scale Point Clouds Speaker: Prof. Satoshi Tanaka College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Japan Abstract: This talk introduces our method for precise 3D see-through imaging of the large-scale and complex point clouds that are acquired via the laser scanning of 3D cultural heritage objects. Our method is based on a stochastic algorithm and directly uses 3D points acquired using a laser scanner as the rendering primitives. The method achieves quick rendering and the correct depth feel without the necessity of depth sorting the rendering primitives along the line of sight. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by applying it to festival floats of high cultural value. Application of the method to other fields such as medical and visualization and scientific visualization is also explained. Biography: Prof. Satoshi Tanaka got his PhD in theoretical physics at Waseda University, Japan in 1987. After experiencing assistant professor, senior lecturer, and associate professor at Waseda University and Fukui University, he became the professor of Ritsumeikan University in 2002. His current research target is computer visualization of complex 3D shapes such as laser-scanned 3D cultural heritage objects, inside structures of a human body, and fluid simulation results. Recently, he was the President of JSST (Japan Society for Simulation Technology) and also the President of ASIASIM (the Federation of Asia Simulation Societies). He was the best paper winners at Asia Simulation Conference 2012, Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering in 2014, etc